Fine Woodworking by Wayne Walma--Art Quilts by Pam J. Beal in Mass City, Michigan.

Owner-member Artistree Gallery Cooperative, Land O' Lakes WI

Also represented by the Downtown Art Place, Ironwood MI and the Calumet Art Center, Calumet MI

Reflections and Material Images: September 2014

We were excited at the invitation to be the featured artists for September at the Three Lakes Center for the Arts, in Three Lakes Wisconsin. Yes, we would be happy to offer a Two Person Show.

Reflections and Material Images will display a sampling of the range of our work.
     *mirrors in classic and sophisticated rustic style and sculpture
     *collaborative framed quilts
     *Pam's "Formation" style design
     *improvisational surprises

In thinking about the show, our thoughts centered on the fiber material we are drawn to-wood and cloth. Non-representative images formed with these materials can activate the viewer's imagination, and sense of appreciation of handmade original objects.  This in the context of the current inundation with mass production.  We trust you will be pleased with what you see.


A Working Lunch

Wonderful to have friends who are willing to get into the spirit of things over lunch.  A discussion about computers segued into upcoming show in Three Lakes, WI and creating an appropriate and catchy name to describe the focus. Or allow the focus to remain a mystery and build excitement and wonder about what will be shown. No decisions were made, except to have an adventure visiting a historic Irish cemetery.

Irish Hollow Cemetery, Rockland, MI

Photo by Dennis Murphy
Light on a Dulcimer Sunday 80" x 43"
Flame Yellow Birch, Cotton with Hand Quilting, Copper